Diseases’ like diabetes and thyroid problems, among others, can cause behavior issues in our pets. Either they aren’t feeling well or their energy levels can be affected. They can even feel threatened. If there isn’t any physical cause it’s time to find out what sets the negative behavior off.
Is your dog aggressive towards guests or other dogs? Is your dog aggressive during play; is your dog destructive or chews up everything in sight? Every one of these problems can be dealt with by removing the cause. If they jump on guests, remove the dog from the room before letting the guests in, if they bark and go crazy at the mail person; use something to block the dog’s view, or move them to another area.
Behavior modification is the trick not punishment. Punishment will increase anxiety and Aggression. At the same time you don’t want to reassure them of their bad misdeeds, because they may continue to be aggressive, thinking it’s ok. Do not try to train them in the heat of the moment, do it when your dog is calm. Much like a child your dog will continue the negative behavior and it will probably only get worse, its negative attention. When your dog is no longer aroused by the situation, they can then learn positive behaviors to replace the negative.
Make sure your dog is not bored, gets enough exercise and has plenty of play toys. If they are inside all day with no outlet the frustration will show itself in other ways like aggressive and boredom, when a dog is bored the will become destructive.
If you can’t seem to get a handle on your dog's aggression you may need to see an animal behavior specialist. Also worth a shot are natural remedies which can help maintain the nervous system, calm his anxiety and give you the opportunity to help him.